
Research Websites

RESEARCH WEBSITES:                                         
International Medical Council On Vaccination:

Vaccine Research Library:  
(Over 5,000 MEDICAL abstracts & full text articles on vaccine dangers)

National Vaccine Information Center:

Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines:

Gianelloni Vaccine Info:  (Subjects under right hand categories)

*** Particularly THIS post: "I Hope You've Done Your Research" ***  
"For me personally, I have logged in 7 years and over 5,000 hours of vaccine research.  I’ve been to “med school” and back again. I’ve done the research. Thorough. Diligent. Thought Provoking. Independent. Exhausting. Devastating. The truth isn’t always fun. Or easy.  Published studies. Medical Literature. Journals. Research conducted by Universities. Webinars. Books. Congressional testimonies. Transcripts. Websites. Blogs. The library."
Inside Vaccines:

Child Health Safety:

Dr. Mercola on Vaccines:  (Over 3,500 articles)

Vaccine Truth - Your Child, Your Choice:

Vaccination Liberation:

Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:

The Refusers:

Great Mothers (& Others) Questioning Vaccines:
Vaccines  -  (Links to more links on this page):

Vaccine Injury Info:

Blinded By The Light

Childhood Shots:

The Liberty Beacon:

Vaccine Risk Awareness:

The Vaccination Racket:

Note:  Some people seem to think website is a conspiracy quack site...  I, however, have found many reputable resources concerning vaccines, so I encourage you to do your own research and actually read the studies & sources that are posted there.  

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Members of the LDS church/faith - Please read below:  
(^^^Refer to all the references in the comments with studies & statistics cited.) :

"Mormon Medical Ethical Guidelines:  This document, dated 3 June 1974, consists of nineteen short statements which were all submitted to the First Presidency for approval.  These statements were later included in the Solemn Assemblies held in 1976."

Attitudes Toward Narcotics, Vaccines, Blood, etc. -

"The Church regards the use of these substances as prescribed under medical supervision for the treatment or prevention of disease, as wholly a medical question."
The Presidency nonetheless has, in recent years, issued endorsements of several vaccination programs.  In September 1976 a statement was released on the massive federal program to vaccinate against A-New Jersey (Swine) Influenza.  In part, the statement read,
"Church members are encouraged to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks of this vaccination to the health of themselves and their families.  Special considerations should be given to the protection of those who are ill or convalescent.  We encourage members to seek competent medical advice with questions they may have....."


Most recent statement that I can find from the Church:  "As with all general counsel, members are encouraged to carefully consider prophetic guidance and then seek personal revelation when it comes to their unique circumstances and their families."

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